
블루베리 blueberry
블루베리 blueberry

Welcome to our website

Thank you for visiting my homepage, and I hope it will be an opportunity to find out what kind of blueberry you are raising and grow blueberries better.It takes a lot of time to buy the wrong blueberry variety and figure it out. To reduce waste of time and economic waste, we must know and distinguish between blueberry varieties.

That’s why I just want everyone to understand and know more about blueberry varieties in the blueberry world. On my homepage, I organized pictures of blueberry fruits, flowers, leaves, and branches to make it easier to know the exact blueberry varieties.
Because of the limitations of personal information, the blueberry variety may be wrong. We need your help in organizing more accurate varieties. Your blueberry photos and materials make my homepage a more accurate blueberry sorting site. Please send me your photos and data if there are any mistakes. I will revise the data with an open mind.
  Thank you.